6 Home Remedies To Combat Hair Loss

If you like, you can apply these natural treatments overnight to prevent hair loss and let them work while you sleep to moisturize deeply.
6 Home Remedies to Combat Hair Loss

Hair loss is one of the aesthetic problems that most affects men and women worldwide.

This problem occurs when there is some kind of alteration in the scalp and hair follicles, either by a nutritional deficiency or by the negative impact of external agents, such as toxins and the sun’s rays.

Although, at first, it may go unnoticed, over the days it can become a serious problem that is easily noticed through the loss of capillary volume.

Fortunately, nowadays there is a wide variety of treatments that, in addition to providing us with extra nutrition, strengthen the hair strands to face this problem.

Among the options, we find several ingredients of natural origin that, when applied regularly, bring wonderful benefits without causing adverse effects.

In this article, we want to reveal the top 6. That way, you can try them if you need to deal with this issue.

1. Coconut milk against hair loss

the hair loss

Coconut milk is an ingredient rich in amino acids and essential fatty acids that help to strengthen the hair from the roots to stop excessive hair loss.

Its antioxidants and moisturizing agents deeply nourish the scalp, accelerating tissue repair.

How to use?

  • Beat a glass of coconut milk, separate the hair into several strands and apply from the roots to the ends.
  • Cover all strands, wear a cap and leave for 30 to 45 minutes.
  • After that time, massage the scalp and rinse with plenty of water.
  • Use two or three times a week.

2. Aloe vera

The aloe vera plant gel contains moisturizing and repairing compounds that help keep hair strong and free from hair loss.

Its regular application balances the pH of the scalp and cleans the hair follicles to prevent their clogging.

How to use?

  • Place the aloe vera gel in a blender and blend until juiced.
  • Apply the product throughout the hair with gentle circular massages to activate circulation.
  • Leave on for 45 minutes and rinse.
  • Repeat its use three times a week.

3. Vitamin E

the hair loss

Vitamin E oil is a natural product that offers many hair health benefits.

Its antioxidant effects minimize free radical damage and control the problem of hair loss.

It also stimulates blood circulation, improving the oxygenation process for healthy growth.

How to use?

  • Break one or two vitamin E capsules and apply them all over the scalp with a gentle circular massage.
  • Allow it to be absorbed well and rinse off with your regular shampoo.
  • If you want, you can leave it on overnight for best results.
  • Use at least twice a week.

4. Fenugreek seeds

Fenugreek seeds contain essential nutrients that benefit hair health, especially in the damaged hair.

Its proteins and antioxidants reverse the negative effects of environmental agents  and, at the same time, curb excess fall.


  • 1 tablespoon of fenugreek seeds (10 g)
  • 1 glass of water (200 ml)

How to use?

  • Beat the fenugreek seeds with a glass of warm water and apply to the entire hair.
  • Leave on for an hour and rinse.
  • Use once or twice a week.

5. Olive oil

the hair loss

Olive oil contains essential fatty acids and antioxidant compounds that are very beneficial to promote healthy hair growth.

These substances combat hair loss and, at the same time, leave hair much more voluminous, strong and shiny.

How to use?

  • Heat some olive oil to a bearable temperature for your scalp, then apply the oil from the roots to the tips.
  • Massage gently for 5 minutes, let it sit for another 15 minutes, then rinse.
  • Repeat use three times a week.

6. Avocado

Avocado pulp and oil are ingredients widely used to combat problems that affect hair health.

This ingredient contains high quality proteins, antioxidants and fatty acids which, after being absorbed, strengthen the hairs from the roots.

Its direct application leaves hair soft, shiny and with a renewed and healthy appearance.

How to use?

  • Knead the pulp of a very ripe avocado and apply all over the hair, including the leather.
  • Cover with a shower cap and leave for two hours.
  • Rinse off with your favorite shampoo and repeat the treatment once a week.

As you’ve just noticed, you don’t need to spend large sums of money on commercial treatments to control hair loss.

For a low cost, you can moisturize your hair without exposing the strands to chemicals.

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