6 Benefits Of Boiled Watermelon Seeds

Watermelon seeds boiled in water are a powerful food supplement, whose effects are noticed in the most important parts of the body.
6 benefits of boiled watermelon seeds in water

Did you know that there are many benefits of watermelon seeds? We are talking about one of the most consumed fruits in summer. In addition to its delicious taste, watermelon juice hydrates us when we sweat most.

As if that were not enough, it is very diuretic, so it is great for dealing with fluid retention.

However, we  don’t take advantage of many of its nutrients when we throw its seeds away.

These small seeds offer us many benefits thanks to their multiple nutrients. The most notable ones are:

  • Vitamins (A, B, C)
  • Minerals (iron, magnesium, calcium)
  • Antioxidants
  • Fats (polyunsaturated and monounsaturated)

All of them are fundamental for the development of our body, as well as for keeping it young and healthy for a long time.

Therefore, every day there are more food supplements made up of these elements. However, you can use homemade recipes to achieve these benefits: that way you’ll know what you’re consuming and how it was made.

Benefits of boiled watermelon seeds in water

1. Improve intestinal transit

The seeds contain a lot of fiber,  so they are ideal for people who suffer from constipation.

Sometimes working inside and outside the home makes life very complicated when it comes to going to the bathroom. Thanks to this drink, your body will ask for this moment. You won’t have to remember that you need to go to the bathroom and force a bowel movement.

2. Cleanse the kidneys

As we said, watermelon seeds are diuretics. Therefore, they will cleanse their kidneys when they play out most of the harmful substances that are lodged in these organs.

Remember that the kidneys play a very important role in our digestion, as they encourage the expulsion of toxins through the urine.

3. Delay aging

woman drinking tea

Zinc and magnesium are wonderful antioxidants, so they  are an obstacle to cell degeneration. In this sense, they will also serve to prevent diseases such as Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s.

4. You will no longer need energy drinks

Watermelon seeds have a considerable caloric content. This is one of the reasons why they are recommended in times like summer, as energy decreases due to heat. It is a natural isotonic,  cheap and, mainly, without any side effects.

5. Take care of your heart

The star in this case is arginine. We are talking about  an amino acid present in proteins that regulates blood pressure.

It also dilates the arteries, which allows blood to flow through them easily. Knowing that the arteries carry oxygenated blood to the heart, its benefit is indisputable.

6. Are they a natural antidepressant

woman listening to music

The drink made from watermelon seeds is rich in group B vitamins, responsible for synthesizing serotonin, also called the “happiness hormone”.

People with depression secrete very little of this substance, so they need support in this regard. This infusion will be a good stimulus.

Infusion to get the benefits of watermelon seeds


  • 40 watermelon seeds
  • 2 liters of water


To make this infusion, you will only have to grind 40 watermelon seeds with a pestle or food processor.

Then boil them in two liters of water and you’re done!

mode of consumption

watermelon seeds

You  can consume this recipe for two days. If it’s day three and it’s over, throw it away and start the process over again. This is how long the infusion is in good condition.

If we consume watermelon seeds boiled in water from that moment on, we may suffer from intoxication. Better not to take the risk.

If you want to consume them away from home, you won’t have a problem. Just store in a secure container. In fact, the ideal is to do this so that the drink stays with you throughout the day.

It is desirable that you drink it as often as you drink water. You will enjoy the same benefits if you consume it cold: you can store it safely in the refrigerator.

It is very difficult to resist this wonderful infusion.

Easy to make, simple to maintain and with powerful benefits, it becomes the ideal companion for all those who want to take care of their health, also in the summer, when we all lose control and abuse food and alcohol.

Did you know these benefits of watermelon seeds? Don’t forget to incorporate them into your daily life!

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