6 Beats To Eliminate Toxins

We present 6 recipes to eliminate toxins from the body and provide a better quality of life. They are prepared with natural foods that will help you detoxify and also maintain your ideal weight.
6 beats to eliminate toxins

Toxins are in the air, in food and drink, and in the environment around you. These substances alter your body’s reaction to infections, making you vulnerable to recurrent illnesses. Sometimes a balanced diet is not enough to keep them away, but we can count on the beneficial effects of a few shakes to eliminate toxins.

During periods when we have to take medications or when we experience periodic constipation, our body organs function poorly.

The kidneys and liver are usually the most affected by the proliferation of toxins. This can be seen in the decrease in energy that we can present and even in the appearance of our skin.

Fortunately, nature gives us many elements to eliminate toxins from our bodies and restore our health.

Shake recipes to eliminate toxins naturally

The active components of fruits and vegetables, as well as their high content of vitamins and nutrients, make these drinks the perfect allies for eliminating the toxins present in our bodies.

1. Orange and cucumber smoothie

Green orange and cucumber juice


  • 2 oranges (300 g)
  • ½ cucumber (150 g)
  • 10 spinach leaves (100 g)
  • Celery (50 g)
  • 1 slice of pineapple (120 g)
  • 1 teaspoon of honey (5 ml)


  • Squeeze the oranges and place the extracted juice in a blender.
  • Add peeled cucumber, slice and celery.
  • Beat for 5 minutes.
  • Add spinach leaves and process.
  • Pour the contents into a glass, add honey and  drink immediately.

2. Green Apple Beat


  • 1 green apple (200 g)
  • 4 celery stalks (200 g)
  • 1 cucumber (300 g)
  • 10 sheets of  
  • 2 chard leaves (50 g)
  • Lemons (200 g)
  • Ginger (150 g)


  • Cut apple into pieces and place in blender.
  • Add celery, cucumber, spinach leaves, chard and ginger.
  • Process for 5 minutes.
  • Meanwhile, squeeze the juice from the lemons – which will be added to the beat served in a glass.
  • You can also run all ingredients (except lemon) through the juice extractor.
  • This drink can be taken on an empty stomach every morning for a week to more effectively eliminate toxins.

3. Blueberry juice

red blueberry juice


  • Blueberry juice (250 ml)
  • Water (1.5 ml)
  • 1/2 tablespoon of ground cinnamon (20 g)
  • 1 teaspoon of grated ginger (10 g)
  • 1 teaspoon of nutmeg (10 g)
  • Freshly squeezed orange juice (125 ml)


  • Heat the blueberry juice and water until boiling.
  • Reduce heat and add cinnamon, cinnamon and nutmeg. Keep on fire for 15 minutes.
  • Cool to room temperature and add orange juice.
  • This preparation serves to eliminate toxins if we consume it every morning for 7 days in a row.

4. Pineapple and Mango Beat


  • 1 medium sleeve (300 g)
  • 3 slices of pineapple (300 g)
  • 5 ice cubes
  • Non-fat yogurt (optional)


  • Put the ice in a blender to crush them a little.
  • Add the mango previously peeled and cut into pieces.
  • Add the pineapple.
  • Make sure the ingredients are well ground and mix well.
  • Drink immediately to prevent oxidation of the vitamins present.

You can add to this preparation.

5. Beet, apple and tangerine shake

Beet, apple and tangerine shake


  • 1 small cooked beets (200 g)
  • Tangerine (200 g)
  • 1 big apple (300 g)
  • Water (250 ml)


  • Cut the beets and apples into pieces without peeling.
  • Process the beets and apples with water at medium speed for 3 minutes.
  • Add the tangerine pieces.
  • Strain and drink immediately.

This drink is super refreshing and is one of the best shakes for eliminating toxins.

6. Orange, pineapple and mint juice


  • Oranges (400 g)
  • 2 slices of pineapple (200 g)
  • 3 mint leaves (20 g)
  • Water (250 ml)


  • Squeeze juice from oranges and pour into blender.
  • Add pineapple, mint and water.
  • Process until you get a homogeneous mixture.
  • You can add 3 ice cubes to make it more refreshing.
  • Consume this shake once a day for 3 days.

Eating fruits and vegetables often will  provide you with the nutrients and vitamins needed to maintain good health.

If you include these toxin-eliminating shakes in your daily diet, you will get additional components to your body to optimize your cellular performance.

With these drinks you not only speed up the elimination of toxins, but you can also get rid of a few extra pounds.

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