5 Yoga Poses To Work Your Abs

To get tight, ripped sit-ups, it’s not helpful to just do constant sets of sit-ups. If you prefer, you can do various yoga postures that will help you in your goal. Find out what they are!
5 yoga poses to work your abs

Did you know that you can do various yoga postures to work your abs? Although this discipline is not primarily focused on achieving an athletic body, its regular practice is beneficial when it comes to working various muscle groups in the body. 

In the particular case of the abdomen, it helps to lose the fat accumulated in that area and, in turn, helps to tone up. Therefore, in addition to performing the traditional exercises for the abdomen, we can complement the routine with a series of asanas (postures) that are easy to do at home.

Yoga postures to work your abs

You don’t need to be an expert to practice yoga postures to work your abs. However, you should start to do this carefully, gradually, as incorrect effort can lead to injury. So, are you ready to give it a try?

1. Bhujangasana or snake posture

snake posture

Snake pose is ideal for working your abdominal muscles and lower back. Also, if combined with breathing exercises, it is very relaxing.

The bhujangasana , better known in our language as cobra posture, is one of the asanas that can help work the muscles of your abdomen. So, if you want to have a flat, toned stomach, be sure to dedicate a few minutes a day to this practice.

So how to do it?

  • To start, lie on your stomach on a mat or yoga mat.
  • Then rest your hands on the floor, in line with your shoulders, with your elbows bent.
  • Slide your body forward using your insteps, then press your pelvis against the floor slightly to arch your torso and head.
  • Hold the pose for 5 seconds and rest.
  • Perform between 8 and 10 reps.

2. Kumbhakasana or plank posture

This pose is part of the yoga series known as the “Sun Salutation”. It is one of the most complete asanas, as it works most of the muscle groups in the body. In fact, many of its variants are practiced within regular exercise routines.

How to make?

  • First, lie on your stomach on your yoga mat or mat.
  • Then lift your body by stretching your arms so that you are supported on your toes. The rest of the body should be straight.
  • When doing this posture, contract your abdomen and glutes for 15 seconds.
  • Relax your body for 10 seconds and resume exercise.
  • Perform at least 5 reps.

3. Paripurna Navasana or boat posture

sit-ups in yoga

With this posture, you will be able to shape your abdomen and, in addition, will increase your balance. Hold for a few seconds and increase the time until you can hold it for a minute.

With this interesting yoga pose, you’ll not only be working your abs, but you’ll also promote your balance skills. It may seem difficult at first, but with a little concentration you will make it quickly.

How to make?

  • To start, sit with your back straight and your legs straight.
  • Then raise your legs together while bringing your back to the back.
  • Keep your arms straight forward, parallel to the floor, in a way that provides stability.
  • Hold the pose for up to a minute and then rest.
  • Perform 3 reps.
  • If it is difficult for you to complete 1 minute, do it for 30 seconds, then 40 and so on.

4. Ustrasana camel stance

The camel pose, known as ustrasana in Sanskrit, stands out in the list of yoga exercises to work the abs. With your practice, you can lose belly, gain balance and, above all, start to tone your muscle.

How to make?

  • First, get down on your knees on your yoga mat or mat, with your back straight. The knees should be hip-width apart.
  • Then support yourself with your toes, without your chest touching the mat.
  • Extend your arms forward, parallel to the mat, and lean your body back. Keep your arms in a horizontal position and hold back, squeezing your abdomen.
  • Hold for 10 seconds, return to original position and perform between 3 and 6 reps.

5. Dhanurasana or bow posture

arch posture

The arch posture works the abdominal region and relaxes the lower back. Hence, it also helps to treat back pain.

By practicing this posture, both your abdominal muscles and those around your lower back will benefit. For this reason, its practice helps to tone the abdomen and lessen back discomfort.

How to make?

  • First, lie on your stomach on your yoga mat or mat.
  • Then lift your feet and stretch your arms back so they can hold your ankles.
  • Pull them out by pushing forward and squeezing the abdominal muscles.
  • Hold the pose for 5 or 10 seconds and rest.
  • Perform between 8 and 10 reps.

In conclusion, don’t forget that these postures don’t have a miraculous effect when it comes to shaping your abdomen. In order to obtain good results, it is important to be consistent in practice and, above all, to complement it with an adequate diet.

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