5 Phrases You Must Tell Yourself In Times Of Difficulty

Even though we don’t see them when we are immersed in them, moments of difficulty are still fleeting. We will certainly return to smiling and seeing things with new eyes.
5 sentences you must say to yourself in times of difficulty

Moments of difficulty knock on our door without being expected and, moreover, without our being truly prepared to face them.

Adversity takes many forms. So many that sometimes it’s not enough to even have the best support or to have read a lot of self-help books.

Dark moments require, first of all, an adequate inner preparation to implement one’s resources, resilience and good emotional management. 

While you’ve often heard it said that “difficulties prepare ordinary people to find extraordinary destinations” , reality tells us that often all we want is simply “feel good, feel a little better”.

Life will, in due course, bring these extraordinary destinies. But when you feel faint, when moments of difficulty envelop you, don’t hesitate to say the following sentences to yourself.

1. I have the right to cry, but also to smile again

Emotional release is essential to overcome grief, to accept a failure, a mistake, a difficulty. Never contain these weaknesses or be ashamed of feeling discouraged and powerless.

Now, this state and this respectable need to “embrace our demons” must not extend over time. It shouldn’t be permanent.

Crying and releasing our sorrows has a very clear purpose: to help you accept what happened and move on to make the change later. You deserve to smile again.

2. The person who can help me the most in times of difficulty is myself

moments of difficulty

You can have good friends, an exceptional partner, and a loving family that cares about you. Now, who should be able to deal with these difficult times is ourselves.

Without will, without energy, without illusion it is very complicated that we can get out of this darkness that surrounds us now. Listen to those around you, allow yourself to be helped, listen, and then put in place the mechanisms to move forward.

3. You can’t choose the circumstances, but you can choose the thoughts to deal with them.

There are things that cannot be avoided: a loss, an illness, an absence, a relationship that ends despite efforts, etc.

None of us can 100% control these complicated circumstances that life occasionally takes care of bringing to us. However, we are responsible for our thoughts.

An “I can’t” immobilizes us completely and brings us some equally negative emotions.

Now, with an “I will be able to do this”, this emotionality changes completely and we feel our strength being renewed. This is worth keeping in mind.

4. Life is beyond the fear line

In our space we have talked many times about the comfort zone. It is this invisible space that contains everything that we believe is safe, known and controllable.

Now, in times of difficulty, we feel that adversity has broken through these walls and imprisons us with its long fingers. Our calm and everything we once took for granted is collapsing.

We have to get through this fear. You need to go one step beyond that line.

If you are afraid to think what will become of you now, after this loss, go through that wall. First accepting what happened and then remembering that life must go on and you along with it. Advance.

If you feel threatened, if you are afraid of being alone, rationalize those fears and remember the previous sentence: the person who can best help you is yourself. Draw strength from your heart.

moments of difficulty

5. I must cultivate inner peace and balance every day

Take care of your diet, your weight, go to the doctor for routine tests. Take care of your family and yourself every day. Certainly, you will reach bed with almost no strength and will easily fall asleep.

Now ask yourself: when was the last time you paid attention to your emotions, your needs, your inner peace?

This type of exercise is performed every day. If we prioritize others, we will neglect ourselves someday.

If we focus our efforts on “things”, on how to accumulate or achieve them, we will lose the sense of what is authentic: our happiness, our integrity.

When difficult times come, we must be prepared. And nothing better than cultivating our peace every day, strengthening self-esteem , self-concept.

Understanding, first of all, that life flows, that life is constantly changing. Whether we like it or not, we have to be part of this vital movement.

In conclusion, since none of us can know when these tricky moments that always test us might happen, it is essential to implement the ever-effective mechanisms of resistance.

Because anyone who wants to see the rainbow must be willing to accept the storm.

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