5 Ideas For Making A House For Your Pet

Do you want to give your pet a nice place to sleep? Discover some very practical and beautiful ideas to build a little house for him.
5 ideas for making a house for your pet

Although there is a large market dedicated to pet products, with creativity and ingenuity it is possible to achieve excellent results on your own. In this article we are going to share 5 ideas for making a house for your pet, ensuring a comfortable and suitable place to rest.

Having a pet at home can bring many benefits to the family, as it  promotes responsibility in children, helps reduce anxiety, offers companionship and affection and, in the case of dogs, encourages physical exercise when taking a walk. However, they are a big responsibility, as your well-being must be ensured with proper care.

According to the Statista data platform  , the most popular pets in Europe are dogs and cats. This trend is replicated in the rest of the world. In 2018, there were more than 76 million dogs and 58 million cats in the United States, according to information from the American Veterinary Medicine Association.

Why is it important for your pet to have its own little house?

When you have a pet at home, it is important to understand that they are not the same as humans. As a species, each animal has different needs, which in the case of pets, we must help satisfy.

Hierarchy and territory are important to dogs, so they value leadership and their own space. On the other hand, cats are usually independent and also like to have their own place.

In general, pet areas, such as houses or beds, allow them to find a safe space where they feel comfortable, protected and calm. In addition, they provide the comfort needed to rest and protect yourself from the cold or heat.

Just as our bedroom and bed offer us a private place for a good rest, pets should have their space to rest, sleep and take their toys.

In addition, pets should have their own bed to prevent the spread of diseases such as those caused by mites and fleas. The Spanish Society of Clinical Immunology, Allergology and Pediatric Asthma indicates that cat and dog allergens remain in the air for a long time, and are found mainly in their feces.

Therefore, to avoid the proliferation of these allergens, it  is advisable not to let them sleep in the same bed as humans and to bathe them frequently.  Likewise, it is important to do a good cleaning at home frequently.

Fleas and mites
To prevent human infections from fleas and mites, it is best for pets to have their own resting space.

Ideas for making a house for your pet

With the growing popularity of having a pet at home, many of the products intended for them have become expensive. However, with a little dedication, it is possible to make your pet’s house and get very beautiful and personalized results. Besides, what better way than to show them our love than to make their walk ourselves?

Whichever style you choose, you should place the outhouse in a comfortable area that is not exposed to rain and excessive heat or cold. You can place it in a place in the house where the animal can interact with the family and feel part of the activities.

1. Tent Style

There is a way to make a tent-shaped or triangle-shaped house that is very good for cats. For this, 2 rectangles and a wooden square are needed. The square will serve as a base and the two rectangles must be joined to form the roof triangle.

To make this union, it is necessary to make a cut of the same size and in the same location in the two rectangles. So these cuts must be adjusted. This is how the triangle is formed.

Then the square must be joined to the base. To make it better for cats, you can put some material on the sides that works as a scratcher.

2. With an old coat

Using a coat or  sweater to make your pet’s bed is very easy and allows you to recycle old clothing. Because it is impregnated with your scent, your pet will certainly like it.

First,  you need a pillow and some sort of padding, which can be made from other recycled clothing fabrics.

Next, you must pass the cushion through the wide part of the bag and sew the edges to seal it. Then, you will have to fill in the sleeves and join them in a circle, following the edge of the cushion that was inserted in the previous step. To make it more stable, you can glue the sleeves against the cushion.

3. With pallets

A pallet is a wooden structure used in cargo areas. They are usually found in food or home improvement stores.

They are very functional because they are shaped like bed boards. So, with a few nails or strong wood glue, you can join several together and form a beautiful piece of furniture.

Likewise,  you can write your pet’s name on the wood to decorate the house and create small drawers between the openings that form in the structure to store your belongings.

4. With an old tire

Tires are one of the most polluting and difficult to break down elements. However, they can have a longer shelf life if used to make your pet’s home. With a nice pillow inside and a little decoration, the result will be excellent!

However, if you don’t like the way the tire looks, you can also choose to inflate it and then inflate it. This way you won’t notice what it is, but it will give stability to the bed.

Reusing old tires
Tire recycling is essential as they are difficult to break down. Use them as a home for your pets.

5. With a recycled dresser

There are two ways to use an old dresser to make a home for your pet. First, you can remove the drawers and place a pad on the base. Then you make a curtain to cover and decorate.

The second option is to remove one of the drawers and use it to build your pet’s house. You can get a foam of a suitable size to insert and cover it with a good fabric. Waterproof fabrics are good options because they make cleaning easier.

Cleaning your pet’s house is essential

Once you’ve learned how to create various styles of cottages and bedding that are ideal for pets, you should regularly maintain proper maintenance. Likewise, it is very important to maintain a good cleanliness of the environment, with disinfection of pillows and frequent washing of bed linen. In this way, you will avoid bad odors and the proliferation of bacteria.

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