5 Diet Foods That Make You Gain Weight Without Knowing

There are numerous tricks, advice and recipes for losing weight. However, on many occasions they don’t work. This is because there are diet foods that make you gain weight without knowing it.
5 Diet Foods That Make You Put On Weight Without Knowing

Diets to lose weight are a constant promise. There are numerous tricks, tips, and recipes for achieving this with the promise of maintaining a steady weight as well. However, on many occasions these promises are not fulfilled. This is because there are diet foods that make you gain weight without knowing it.

Below is a list of 5 diet foods that make you gain weight without knowing it.

Diets to lose weight

When we want to lose weight, the first thing we eliminate are fats, pasta, soft drinks and sweets in general. We leave these foods out when we start a regimen that includes “healthy” foods. However, many are not as healthy as the damage they do is almost equal to that of flours and sugars.

5 Diet Foods That Make You Put On Weight

Diet drinks increase weight

Researchers believe that when we eat or drink something sweet, our bodies expect calories. But when calories are not present, our body reacts by slowing down the metabolism, responding less to insulin and thus gaining weight.

What to choose instead? The most suitable is to drink natural water, iced tea without sugar, water with lemon or infusions that we like.

2. Low-fat foods

When we buy a low-fat food, we usually eat 30% more of that food. Therefore, the consequences are not favorable, as the result is that we end up eating more.

For this reason, it is advisable to eat small portions of healthy food that is not low in fat. What is important is the control and quantity of food.

3. Flavored yogurt

Flavored yogurt is one of the diet foods that make you gain weight
Flavored yogurts contain a higher percentage of sugars and fats than natural yogurts.

Many feel that yogurt helps digestion by including healthy bacteria, but even if this is true, plain yogurt is always the best choice.

Flavored yogurts are usually sweetened with excess sugar and corn syrup. A good alternative is to add fresh fruit to yogurt.

4. Canned fruit

By placing the fruits in closed packages, we prevent them from macerating in their own juice. The companies then add corn syrup with a high fructose content in order to flavor them and ensure their conservation. The best option will always be to consume fresh and seasonal fruit

5. Sports drinks

Most of the most outstanding athletes consume these drinks and people get the impression that they are healthy. However, you will only be consuming sugar and water, which increases calories.

These drinks are recommended for the practice of physical exercise in order to replace the sugar lost during training. However, outside of this context it might not be so favorable.

Without a doubt, these are clear examples of diet foods that will put you on weight. To reach your goal, we give you some suggestions about what to consider when starting a diet to lose weight.

Tips to consider when dieting to lose weight

Tips to consider when dieting to lose weight
Oilseeds have several properties that make them suitable for inclusion in healthy diets.
  • “Fat burners” do not exist. All products, foods and supplements are only supporting a low-calorie diet. This means that they can only help the diet to be effective whenever it is well designed and personalized.
  • Say yes to carbohydrates. Carbohydrates are critical to the body, even if you’re on a weight-loss regimen. It is recommended to choose whole-grain or whole-grain varieties to add more fiber and nutrients to the diet.
  • Fats? Yes, but that they are of quality. Fats are needed whenever they are in limited amounts. For this, choose olive oil to season your salads and to prepare your dishes. Dieting does not mean giving up taste. In fact, they will provide omega 3 and 6 fatty acids and vitamins A, D and E.
  • Dinner is not an enemy. Just as we start the day with a good breakfast, we should also end it well with a proper dinner. Dinner is important since, while we are sleeping, the body will spend an average of 8 hours without ingesting anything, however, it will need to be provided with enough energy to continue functioning.

Exercise is essential to get good results

Remember that the solution is not always to eat fewer calories, it is also important to burn the energy you consume. However, it is not necessary to join a gym or try to be a professional sportsman. Just walk, climb stairs, take mountain excursions or stroll along the beach, for example.

What is certain is that the sofa will not help you lose weight. The body is designed to move and, this way, you can eat a little more while on a diet.

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