5 Characteristics Of Assertive People

For our peace of mind, not all assertive people are born that way. This is a skill we can learn to break down the walls and obstacles that come our way.

Assertive people gain great benefits as they are able to correctly express their opinions as well as defend their point of view.

However, the most important thing is that they do all this always respecting the rights of others.

Want to know more? Assertive people also know how to express their feelings and emotions,  one of the hardest things for many people.

Today we’ll talk about the 5 most important characteristics that assertive people have. Get to know them below.

Traits of assertive people

1. Have confidence in themselves

Confidence in oneself is lost over time,  although with some effort we can always regain it.

If you are an assertive person, that barrier has already been resolved. Since you know yourself and know that you don’t need to be afraid to show yourself as you really are.

Insecure people always put on a carapace, or armor to protect them. In this way, they are continually on the defensive and miss out on many of the opportunities that life offers.

Assertive people know how to trust themselves to enjoy life to the fullest.

2. Respect the opinion of others

Assertive people know how to express their opinions,  but they always respect the opinions of others, even if they are not like yours. They know that the diversity of points of view enriches people and that is why it is something that must always be respected.

This allows them to validate the emotions of others, that is, to accept them and learn from the different circumstances that can lead an individual to act in one way or another.

Not everyone has a good day, and accepting and understanding this can remarkably improve interpersonal relationships.

3. actively listen

When we mention the verb “listen” it seems like something simple that everyone knows how to do, but the truth is that few people know how to really listen, in an active way.

How can we actively listen? Not just paying attention to the words, but also to what the other person feels and expresses emotionally.

If we can do that, we can handle any kind of conflict that might arise between us and another person in a very calm way.

Listening will free you from the anxiety and stress  you may feel at first. In addition, this will also allow you to regulate your emotions effectively.

4. Choose your friendships

It may seem useless, but sometimes we don’t choose our friendships and let others choose them. Assertive people know that this is not right, so they  know how to choose those healthy people they want to have on their side.

In this way, they  are excellent at dealing with all those toxic people who try to fill their lives with less than positive emotions. They know how to neutralize them, how to escape them.

Assertive people choose and do not conform to the choices of others.

5. They accept themselves unconditionally

One of the greatest characteristics of assertive people is that it doesn’t matter what others think of them. This allows them to accept themselves the way they are, with their shortcomings and their virtues, which increases their security and self-confidence.

Furthermore, accepting oneself unconditionally also allows us to know what limitations we have, and understand that this does not mean that they are barriers.

Assertive people know how to fight with all their strength against obstacles and make the most of them so that they do not interfere with their dreams.

Have you identified with any of these characteristics? As you can see, many of them face many unfounded fears that we have that keep us from letting go and trusting ourselves.

Our comfort zone, our insecurities all limit us, but not assertive people.

Do you think they were born with this security? Do you think they always trusted themselves? They, too, have been in the same situation as you, but with effort and will they reached the assertiveness that allowed them to be better with themselves and with others.

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