4 Tips To Make Your Child Happy Before Birth

Believe it or not, you can make your child happy before he’s born. Talking, playing, listening to music and even eating are activities that strengthen the bonds of love and affection with your baby, even when he is still in his mother’s womb.
4 tips to make your child happy before birth

If you are pregnant, or your partner is expecting a baby, you may be thinking that you will have to wait to make your child happy until after he is born. However, we have a surprise for you: you won’t have to wait for 9 months! Keep reading this article to find out how you can make your child happy before birth.

How to make your child happy before birth

Surely you are excited or excited to have your little one in your arms and finally find him. However, you can enjoy your baby before birth.

In fact,  time spent with your baby, even in the womb, is critical to her development and well-being. Since it’s important to make the most of this process, we’ll share 4 tips to make your child happy before birth.

1. talk to him

By the fourth month of pregnancy, your child can hear sounds.  In fact, from that moment on, your baby will be listening to you all the time: your heartbeat, the sound of your breathing, even the vibrations of your organs. Amazing, don’t you think?

couple expecting a baby

It is important to note that  the first relationship the fetus experiences is the one it establishes with its mother; in addition to knowing you, he also learns from you. This relationship creates very strong bonds through the sounds, mainly through the parents’ voice.

When a mother or father speaks to their baby, they transmit their own language. As a result, babies develop their language skills, but they also become healthier, more affectionate, and more sensitive.

In the article  Logrando una maternidad feliz , the author points out that the maternal song is one of the “best foods that can be given to your children”,  since it “potentiates the child’s brain development”.

So if you want to make your child happy before he’s born, talk to him whenever you can. Maybe your little one will respond by giving you a few kicks.

2. listen to music

Listening to music can be very special for you and your little one. Music is a means of expression or language through which we can communicate, even without words. For this reason, it is not uncommon for music therapy to be used as a therapeutic tool to provide emotional support and relaxation.

Thanks to music, it is possible to reflect on what we really feel. Through it, the person’s emotional expression is favored. This is very positive, so share music with your baby as  you will be giving him the opportunity to express  himself , even inside your tummy.

Prenatal stimulation, communication and bonding through music and some sounds within it have certain frequencies that travel through the sound atmosphere of the fetus.

pregnant woman listening to music

As a result, your baby can pick up on the sounds you share with him. In fact, thanks to music,  the fetus associates a series of positive feelings, such as protection, security, trust and love,  but that’s not all.

Music also functions as an interactive neurotransmitter. That is, it  allows the transmission of information between neurons, glands, cells or muscle fibers.  Furthermore, these neurotransmitters leave a kind of imprinted record on the baby.

In this way, all the pleasant sensations that the baby experienced during pregnancy will be registered in its cellular and pituitary system. As a result, your little one can recall these pleasant emotions when listening to music, and this will make him feel a similar sensation to his mother’s presence.

3. play with it

Is it possible to play with your baby while he is still in the womb? Perhaps this fact seems a little strange to you. However, it  is possible to interact with the fetus through various fetal stimulation techniques.

One such method is to use a flashlight on the tummy to stimulate the baby’s visual sensations. Inside,  upon perceiving light stimuli, the fetus closes its eyes and reacts by making some movement or behavior change.  Although the fetus does not need light for its visual development, this dynamic is important for establishing its circadian cycles.

So, by applying this technique, it can be said that we are playing with the baby while helping him to develop fully. Why don’t you try it? Surely this way you can make your child happy before birth.

4. Eat sweet foods

From the fourth month onwards, the baby can taste sour, sweet, bitter and salty flavors. But how does this happen? The explanation is reduced to what the mother ingests through food or capsules, which passes into the amniotic fluid and, in turn, feeds the fetus.

Healthy eating

In fact, it is interesting to note that the baby ingests considerable amounts of this fluid (between 201 and 760 cubic centimeters per day). For this reason, the fetus can perceive these flavors.

Now, how can you make your child happy before he’s born through flavors? An expert article on fetal behavior indicates that unborn babies are fascinated by sweets.

Later, the same article explains that if a sweet substance is injected into the amniotic fluid, the fetus ingests a greater proportion compared to usual levels. On the other hand, if a bitter substance is injected, the fetal amniotic fluid intake decreases.

So, if you want to make your child happy before birth,  eat moderately sweet foods with natural sugar  (fructose), such as found in fruits and vegetables. Remember that consuming refined sugar during pregnancy can be harmful to your health and that of your child.

What did you think of these tips to make your child happy before he is born? These are not activities that consume a lot of time or effort. In fact, you may already be doing this without realizing it. If not, we encourage you to give it a try.

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