3 Recipes That Will Make Your Child Love Vegetables

Here are some delicious recipes that will make your child love vegetables. The secret is not just in the taste, but in the presentation.
3 recipes that will make your child love vegetables

To make your child love vegetables, you don’t have to rack your brain or despair looking for elaborate recipes. Rather, it ‘s  all about simplifying meals and playing with presentations. And when it comes to teaching kids to eat, the key is how food is perceived by them. That’s what we prioritize in these vegetable recipes for kids.

Whenever a meal seems pleasing to the eye, children will be much more willing to try it. In the case of vegetables, by playing with their colors and shapes, we can make children eat them without much resistance and, in the long run, with great pleasure.

Mission: make your child love vegetables

There are children who like to eat raw carrots with a little mayonnaise or some homemade sauce. There are others who like tomatoes with different foods. Of course, this achievement probably required some effort on the part of the parents.

There are many parents who choose to include vegetables in a “hidden” way (shakes, smoothies, etc.) and do not share this approach, as they are not considering the children’s familiarity with the various foods, nor are they helping to develop the curiosity for the same.

The child must know what to eat to obtain information  and, depending on the experience, can establish what he likes and what is not, among other issues.

We want to appeal to that sense of curiosity that every child brings with them. That’s why the  our proposal recipes for kids includes dishes that are fun to prepare and eat. We know that the child’s play area will motivate him to eat his vegetables. We consider this an appropriate stimulus that will help us generate the child’s healthy eating habit.

Vegetable Recipes for Kids

1. One or more potato mice

Well, let’s start with a vegetable that is one of the most “popular” among children: the potato. This can help us introduce the rest of the vegetables, as potatoes are not the only vegetable we will include.


  • Raisins (to taste).
  • 4 potatoes (250 g).
  • 4 spring onions (200 g).
  • 4 radishes (280 g).
  • 3 onions (360 g).
  • 4 cherry tomatoes (45 g).
  • 1/2 glass of milk (120 ml).
  • Olive oil (to taste).
  • Salt and pepper to taste).
  • 1/2 cup of grated emmental cheese (60 g).
  • 1 piece of butter or margarine (30 g).

Preparation mode

  1. Wash the potatoes well and bathe them in the oil.
  2. Place in the oven at a temperature of 200 °C and leave for 20 to 25 minutes.
  3. Cut off the top of the potato and remove the potato contents until it is empty inside. Leave a thin layer of potato, like a wall.
  4. Mix the removed potato with milk, grated emmental cheese, butter, salt and pepper.
  5. Fill the inside of the potato with the previous mixture.
  6. Apply the grated cheese to the potatoes and put them back in the oven until golden brown.
  7. Pierce a cherry tomato with a toothpick and insert it into one end of the potato to simulate a nose.
  8. Ears can be made from slices of radish. For the eyes, let’s use the raisins; for the tail, ​​a thin slice of onion. For whiskers, use chives.
  9. You will have managed to make a delicious potato in the shape of a mouse. We are sure that with this fun character you will come much closer to making your child love vegetables.

2. Tomato and hamburger worm

cut tomatoes

Tomatoes are very easy fruits to include in the diet during childhood. Its color, by itself, is attractive to the eyes and you just need to include it in a fun dish to make your child love vegetables in a short amount of time. Ready? Get to work.


  • 1 tomato (30 g).
  • 1 olive (1 g).
  • 2 cherry tomatoes (30 g).
  • 1 can of sweet corn (425 g).
  • 6 hamburgers (500 g).
  • Mustard or mayonnaise (optional).

Preparation mode

  1. Fry the hamburgers in the skillet.
  2. Remove the skillet from the heat and let the steaks rest for a few moments at room temperature.
  3. Meanwhile, cut the tomato into slices and set aside on a plate.
  4. To form the worm, you must take a hamburger and crush it with your hands along with some pieces of tomato.
  5. Once you have a well-formed worm, you can use a toothpick to fix all the ingredients and keep the shape.
  6. For the worm’s eyes, place two cherry tomatoes.
  7. Under her eyes, put an olive for her nose and some sweet corn to make her smile.
  8. You can make the mouth without the corn and make the worm smile with a splash of mustard or mayonnaise. Remember that you can include some variations in the recipes so that your child loves vegetables in a friendly and spontaneous way.
  9. On the other hand, it never hurts to include a lettuce leaf under the worm’s body. This way, the dish will have more color and therefore look more attractive.

3. An ace up his sleeve: the boat with snow



  • 1 beetroot (80 g).
  • 6 asparagus (30 g).
  • Mashed potatoes (400 g).
  • 3 small slices of radish (70 g).
  • 1 teaspoon of chopped carrots (10 g).

Preparation mode

  1. To build the boat, you must use asparagus as a base. A good idea is to take a large asparagus and use it as the base or bottom of our boat. Use two small ones for the sides and a longer one for the top.
  2. Use the larger asparagus to raise the candle. Use two small pieces for a flag.
  3. Fill the body of your boat with mashed potatoes so it looks like it snowed on it. You can even put some of the mixture into the “sea” that surrounds the boat.
  4. Cut three slices of beetroot (small) to simulate windows.
  5. Use the carrot to cover the base of the flag.
  6. Add a pinch of salt and you’re done! With this boat, you will surely make your child love vegetables or at least this recipe.

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