3 Natural And Homemade Solutions To Relieve Cravings

Although it doesn’t cure them, one way to give relief from anal fissures is to consume plenty of fiber and water to encourage bowel movements and prevent overstraining in the area. 
3 natural and homemade solutions to relieve cravings

Anal fissures are an uncomfortable and painful problem that many people suffer in silence. It can be something punctual or even a chronic disorder that we must treat as soon as possible, to avoid major bleeding and to regulate bowel movements.

In this article we share the best natural solutions to relieve anal fissures. This way we will be able to prevent them and treat them with home remedies such as cold water, aloe vera, coconut oil or calendula.

What are anal fissures?

Anal fissures are small tears in the mucosa that covers the anus. The main cause is the evacuation of large, hard stools characteristic of constipation. They are a very painful problem that can lead to bleeding and difficult healing.

The treatment of anal fissures, therefore, must have two focuses:

  • Regulate the intestinal transit and facilitate the hydration and expulsion of feces so that they do not aggravate the fissures.
  • Application of local topical remedies that soothe pain and favor faster healing.

How to regulate bowel function?

If we suffer from intestinal disorders we must know that we will not find the solution in a medication.

Not even natural remedies usually offer long-term results, but quick effects to alleviate the problem. The long-term solution is to review your diet and daily habits:

  • The basis of the diet should be fruits and vegetables, both raw and cooked (juices, vitamins, salads, stir-fries, etc.). They must be present at every meal of the day.
  • Whenever we can, we should choose whole foods, which are not refined (cereals, flours, pasta, etc.).
  • By consuming a lot of fiber, our bodies will need water to assimilate it. We should drink at least two liters of water a day, apart from meals.
  • We cannot forget vegetables, oilseeds and seeds in our weekly menus.
  • Perform physical exercise two or three times a week and combat sedentary lifestyle, especially if we stay for many hours during the day.
  • Combat stress and nervous disorders.

natural solutions

1. Cold water

If we suffer from anal fissures, we will need immediate relief from the pain and burning sensation at many unexpected times.

We must apply cold water directly on the affected area. It is most comfortable to do it in the bath or in a bidet. However, if that is not possible, we can also use a small towel and dampen it in a container of cold water and then apply it for a while.

In addition,  people who suffer from anal fissures should avoid using conventional toilet paper,  which often causes and aggravates the problem. We can use wet washcloths or, as in many countries, wash in the bidet.

2. Nutritious vegetable oils

Cold water is ideal to reduce discomfort at the moment. However, to prevent or treat anal fissures we will need to hydrate and protect this sensitive area of ​​the body. And for that we will use natural products. In this way, we will avoid applying chemical substances that could harm us.

The simplest and most effective way to get it is through vegetable oils. These  nourish the skin deeply and give it elasticity to prevent new cracks.

Vegetable oil to relieve cracks

3. Healing Remedy


  • 2 scoops of aloe vera gel (30 g)
  • 1 spoon of rosehip oil (15 ml)

We can use natural aloe vera gel if we extract it from the inside of the plant leaf. In that case, we should use it right away. Otherwise, we can buy a gel as pure as possible.

Preparation and application

  • Mix the aloe gel with the rosehip oil.
  • Apply to the affected area several times a day and always after bathing.

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