3 Mint Solutions For Digestive Problems

Thanks to its properties, mint is one of the best natural remedies for digestive problems. In addition to its infusion, it can be used in several ways.
3 Mint Solutions for Digestive Problems

Mint is a very refreshing plant and has very beneficial properties. However, today we will focus on some mint solutions for digestive problems that will allow us to deal with them effectively.

Digestive inconveniences are quite frequent. Many people have to face this kind of discomfort right after eating. Some of the most common are bloating, constipation, diarrhea, acidity or pain in the abdomen.

In many cases the triggers are unknown; it is only known that they are very uncomfortable  and cause a lot of pain. So discover these three mint solutions for digestive problems.

Mint for digestive problems

1. Infusion with mint

mint infusion

The first mint remedy for digestive problems is also the best known. The mint infusion is very simple to perform and it actually has very potent effects.

If you suffer from bloating or heavy digestion,  taking this infusion with mint will help to avoid gas,  as well as feeling lighter after meals.

It is possible to prepare this infusion with mint to take before or after meals. However, we advise you to do this afterwards, as this is when most digestive problems manifest themselves. To prepare it, just get the ingredients and follow the steps shown below.


  • 2 fresh sprigs of fresh mint
  • 2 cups of water (500 ml)
  • Honey (optional)

Method of preparation

  • First, put boiling water in a pot, along with the two sprigs of fresh mint.
  • Once it boils,  turn off the heat and let it stand for about 5 minutes.
  • Finally, strain the mixture and add honey if desired.

Normally, unless other people drink the infusion, they end up with something left over. To keep it, place it in an airtight container.

2. Chew mint

mint leaf

Suffering from acidity is something quite uncomfortable. That burning sensation in the stomach doesn’t make us feel good. Therefore, if you are away from home, chewing mint leaves can be an option to alleviate the discomfort.

While this is often recommended for bad breath, it will certainly bring a great sense of relief. It is  a better alternative than drugs or tablets to treat acidity.

Another benefit of chewing mint leaves is that it reduces dizziness and nausea. These symptoms can appear when you suffer from stomach acidity or have eaten excessively.

3. Mint oil

Another of the mint solutions for digestive problems is its oil format. You can find it in any natural food store,  although it is also possible to prepare it at home.


  • mint leaves
  • 1 glass bottle
  • Base oil (olive, almonds, etc.)

Method of preparation

mint oil
  • First, cut and wash the mint leaves.
  • Then put them in the jar and crush.
  • Add the base oil to the  jar with the mint leaves, until it covers them.
  • Then close the bottle and  let it stand for 24 hours.
  • The next day,  strain the oil and add more leaves again.
  • Repeat the process for a week.
  • Finally, when the oil is ready,  store it in a cool, dark place.

When you feel bloated, gassy or acidic, you can take a spoonful of this oil. The relief will be instantaneous and very refreshing. If it takes too long to prepare your own homemade oil you can, as we mentioned earlier, buy it.

Why use mint solutions?

In this work, it is  exposed that mint has antispasmodic properties,  which relieves stomach cramps. Furthermore, it is considered very suitable for eliminating nausea.

On the other hand, something essential that mint can do is increase the production of bile. This  makes it possible to accelerate the decomposition of the food  and, therefore, makes the digestion take place more quickly, to avoid the feeling of being full.

What the thesis also indicates is that  mint is not a stimulant plant,  which is why it is suitable for people who suffer from a lot of stress. Without a doubt, this herb is an excellent option.

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