3 Healthy Diets To Get Fit

There are many healthy diets that can help you regain fitness without exposing your health. In fact, many of them are helpful in preventing diseases such as diabetes and high blood pressure.
3 healthy diets to get back in shape

When you have gone through a period of overeating, or after pregnancy, it is normal for you to want to regain your fitness. Achieving a proper weight not only improves your self-esteem, but also prevents and combats many health problems.

Currently, there are many types of diets that can help achieve this goal. However, some plans are very low in calories, and lack nutrients and foods that are critical to body functions.

Therefore, it is very important to understand that  it is not about making restrictions or dangerous regimes. While these options provide temporary results, none of them offer the benefits of a healthy diet.

What are the best diets for getting back in shape? Although these can vary in each case, there are some models that can give good results. In this article, we’ll share the top 3, so don’t hesitate to give it a try.

1. Mediterranean diet to regain fitness

mediterranean diet

First, you need to know that the Mediterranean diet is one of the best plans to lose weight without exposing your health. The proposal is to combine balanced foods, rich in high quality nutrients, enriched with the extraordinary extra virgin olive oil and oilseeds.

Thanks to the incorporation of healthy fatty acids, it is a type of diet with many benefits for cardiovascular health. Its consumption can lower high cholesterol and, in turn, the risk of myocardial infarction and stroke.

Main features of the Mediterranean diet

  • Total fat consumption should be less than 35% of energy consumed. Also, only 8% of these can be saturated fats.
  • Lean meat or fish should be eaten twice a week.
  • Up to 7 eggs can be consumed per week.
  • It should include a daily serving of dairy products (milk, cheese or yogurt).
  • You can drink up to 2 glasses of red wine a day.

Example of a Mediterranean Diet Menu

There are dozens of Mediterranean diet menus that can help you get back in shape. Below, we’ll share a simple example to let you know what this type of diet should be like.


  • Coffee with milk
  • Slice of bread with oil
  • Natural orange juice

Morning snack

  • fruit portion
  • bunch of nuts


  • cooked lentils
  • Meatballs with peas and carrots
  • Strawberries with sour cream


  • fresh cheese with honey
  • Oilseeds with oat


  • Mixed salad
  • Baked fish with baked potatoes
  • Natural yogurt

2. DASH diet   to regain fitness

Healthy meal

The term DASH is the acronym for Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension and, as the name suggests, is a diet indicated for patients with high blood pressure problems.

Its characteristics help to improve circulation and cardiovascular function, reducing the risks that hypertension brings. However, thanks to its balanced and low-calorie proposal, it is also a good option for losing weight.

Main features of the DASH diet 

  • Saturated fats, refined sugars and simple carbohydrates are practically prohibited.
  • It is a varied diet in which organic foods predominate, mainly fruits, vegetables and dairy products with low fat content.
  • Salt consumption is reduced as much as possible or replaced by other healthy seasonings.
  • It limits the consumption of alcohol to the maximum and is accompanied by a physical exercise plan.

Sample DASH Diet Menu 

It is not necessary to have high blood pressure to enjoy the benefits of the DASH diet. So if you’re looking for a solution to getting back into shape, you can create menus based on the following example:


  • Wholegrain turkey and tomato sandwich
  • orange or grapefruit
  • green tea or infusion

Morning snack

  • chopped pineapple
  • Low-fat natural yogurt


  • Roasted pork loin with brown rice and beans
  • Lettuce salad


  • Carrot and celery slices


  • Pasta with natural tomato and mussels
  • sugar free gelatin

3. Paleolithic diet to regain fitness

salmon with vegetables

The popular Paleolithic diet is also one of the types of healthy eating that can help you lose weight effectively. It is a diet that is based on our ancestors’ way of eating, completely avoiding processed foods.

Due to the design of their menus, it is a diet that reduces calories and fat. Therefore, in addition to helping to lose weight, it serves as an ally against high cholesterol, diabetes and other metabolic diseases associated with modern food.

Main features of the Paleolithic diet

  • It is based on foods of organic origin (fruits, vegetables, fish and meat).
  • It completely prohibits any processed, frozen or cured meat and meat products.
  • Restricts consumption of sugar, processed cereals and refined oils.

Sample Paleolithic Diet Menu

In the Paleolithic diet there is no one-size-fits-all menu. The ancestors’ diet varied according to the food they had access to. However, nowadays, people’s physical conditions and their nutritional needs must also be considered.

If you have no problems following this type of diet, you can follow a simple model that only considers foods of natural origin.


  • Egg with spinach cooked with coconut oil
  • chopped melon
  • Infusion to taste


  • Chicken salad with oil
  • handful of almonds
  • Natural yogurt


  • salmon with spinach
  • fruit portion
  • Infusion to taste

Note:  the difference between the Paleolithic diet and other diets is that you don’t eat five meals a day. Breakfast, lunch and dinner are more than enough to meet the body’s needs.

Which of these diets would you like to adopt? Remember that if you want to regain fitness, you must be consistent with good eating habits. Also, whenever you can, you should exercise.

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