2 Recipes For Preparing Low-carb Bread

Bread does not necessarily have to be made from cereal flours. In fact, we can prepare it from other flours, such as almonds, as you will see below.
2 recipes for preparing low-carb bread

We usually associate the word bread with carbohydrates. Therefore, we ask ourselves: is it possible to have bread with a low carbohydrate content? The answer is yes. In fact, you can find it in many food stores and supermarkets.

Below, we propose a recipe for homemade bread with low carbohydrate content. Don’t forget to take note because besides being delicious, it is also very easy to prepare.

Bread and Carbohydrates

The main ingredient in bread, as you know, is flour. On the other hand, flour is the result of ground cereals, usually wheat, although barley or rye is also commonly used. There are also animal meal (bone, fish, etc.). In any case, the common denominator is starch, a complex carbohydrate.

Low-carb breads

Cereals are also rich in carbohydrates and, although they are talked about a lot, they are an essential macronutrient. In fact, they fulfill an energetic function and form part of the body’s tissues.

For this reason, it is recommended that the daily intake of carbohydrates is 50 or 55% of the food needed each day.

However, on many occasions we exceed this percentage because most of the foods we consume have a very high content of carbohydrates. The consequence of this is that this excess of carbohydrates is stored and accumulated in the body in the form of fat.

In this sense, limiting the consumption of carbohydrates is something normal in weight loss diets. In addition, many people consume them in a moderate way so as not to overdo it and to maintain a balanced diet.

For all that, bread becomes a food that many avoid because, as it is derived from cereals, it usually contains a high content of carbohydrates that we consume without realizing it.

Low carbohydrate bread

In any case, there are alternatives to bread made from cereals that are also tasty and nutritious. It is then possible to prepare bread from foods other than traditional flours. This is the case of ketogenic bread, which is in fashion and is used mainly by people who follow a ketogenic diet.

In any case, to get a bread with low carbohydrate content, we propose some recipes in which the flour we will use will be almond flour. This way, you can get a bread not only with less carbohydrates, but also with more protein.

The first of the recipes is really quick and easy! Cooking time is only a few minutes in the microwave! The second recipe is made in a conventional oven and it is possible to give the bread more flavor and texture. In any case, these are recipes to enjoy!

Low-carb bread recipe

Seeds to prepare bread


  • 2 eggs (180 g).
  • 1 tablespoon of natural yeast (10 g).
  • Varied seeds (chia, sunflower, etc.).
  • 6 tablespoons of almond flour (60 g).

Method of preparation

  • First, beat the eggs well.
  • Soon after, in the same container, add the almond flour, yeast and seeds.
  • Then divide the dough into several microwave-safe containers. There should be a thin cover on each of them.
  • Then simply place the container in the microwave for approximately 2 minutes (according to the power of your oven) and you’re done!
  • A good idea is to roast it later in a toaster. It will be much tastier.

Another low-carb bread recipe

Psyllium to prepare bread


  • Salt (to taste).
  • 3 egg whites (90 g).
  • 2 scoops of yeast (20 g).
  • 2 teaspoons of apple cider vinegar.
  • 1 cup of hot water (250 ml).
  • 1 cup and a half of raw almonds (150 g).
  • 40 grams of psyllium husk (40 g).

Method of preparation

  • First, if the almonds are not crushed, do this. They should be finely ground, like a fine powder.
  • Then preheat the oven to 170 ÂșC, both on the top and on the bottom.
  • After that, mix the almonds, psyllium, yeast and salt in a container. Mix everything very well.
  • Soon after, add little by little the vinegar and egg whites and continue mixing.
  • After that, add hot water little by little.
  • After everything is well kneaded, cut the dough into small pieces (approximately 6 pieces). Keep in mind that from the yeast, the dough will grow, so don’t make them too thick.
  • Finally, place in the lower part of the oven and bake for about 50 minutes. When you’re at this point, to add more flavor, you can sprinkle some seeds on top.
  • Your low-carb bread is ready to go!

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