10 Simple Exercises That Relieve Neck Pain

If the pain is very acute, we should not force it when doing the exercises, as it can worsen the condition.
10 Simple Exercises That Relieve Neck Pain

Neck ache? It’s very annoying that what seemed like a mild symptom, from sleeping poorly, spending a lot of time in front of the computer or because stress is getting ready to turn into eternal suffering.

Fortunately, surgical treatment is not always necessary.

However, we have to pay attention and know how to distinguish if it is a simple tingling or if we feel the nerve burning  due to the fact that the muscles try to return to their normal curvature.

If this is the latter case, don’t hesitate to see a doctor.

But do not worry! The following exercises will help relieve neck pain. These contribute to elasticity and relaxation in order to prevent the muscles from tensing.

1. Good posture to relieve neck pain

  • Sit on the floor with your butterfly feet. The spine must be as straight as possible and the shoulders relaxed.
  • If for some reason you feel uncomfortable, you can try it with a chair, leaning on the back.
  • Without changing your posture, concentrate:  inhale and exhale, breathe slowly three times.
  • You have to feel how the air oxygenates your chest until it comes out of your nose. Relax; it is time to locate the pain.

2. Lift your shoulders to relieve neck pain

woman with back pain
  • Then stretch your neck.
  • Move your shoulders back slowly. Keep your spine straight without losing your breathing rhythm.
  • Breathe in and out on each rep. Perform ten to fifteen repetitions, depending on your condition.

3. Turn your neck

  • It is recommended that the neck rotation be done while standing.
  • Likewise, with your spine straight and controlling your breathing, slowly turn your neck to the left side.
  • Do three reps and try with the right side. Repeat the movement twice.

4. Tilt your head to relieve neck pain

Woman relieving neck pain through stretching.
  • In this exercise, help yourself with your left hand and gently tilt your head until your ear touches your shoulder.
  • Hold for 15 seconds.
  • Repeat the same indication with the right arm. Do seven reps for each side.

5. Head down to relieve neck pain

  • Just as you took your head in your hand, lean over, but this time looking down, looking at your shoes.
  • Hold the pose for 2 seconds.
  • Repeat fifteen times for each side.

6. Head back to relieve neck pain

woman with neck pain
  • Tilt your head back, looking at the ceiling, spine straight and holding your breath. Breathe in and out.
  • Then turn your head slowly to the left side, return to the center and do the same for the right side.
  • Repeat the movement fifteen times.

8. Position of handcuffs to relieve neck pain

  • Keep your spine straight. With your left hand hold your right hand, as if putting handcuffs on.
  • Inhale and exhale slowly as you move your hand to the right and at the same time tilt your head to the same side.
  • Hold for ten seconds and repeat the same steps for the left side.
  • Repeat twice on each side.

9. Hands over head to relieve neck pain

Stretching helps relieve neck pain
  • With your head looking up and your spine straight, place your hands on your head, one on top of the other.
  • Slightly stretch your neck, lift your head, inhale, and lift your left shoulder.
  • Then exhale and lower it.
  • Do the same with your right shoulder. Five reps on each side is enough.

10. Hands behind the neck to relieve neck pain

  • Place your hands behind your neck. Stretch your arms out to the sides, breathe deeply and lift your head looking up.
  • Hold this position for ten seconds and exhale as you lower your head.
  • Close your arms and let your elbows touch.
  • Wait ten seconds and open your elbows again.
  • Inhale, head up and repeat. Do seven reps.


  • Make sure your mattress is firm.
  • If you are going to carry something heavy, take precautions.
  • Avoid sleeping on your stomach as it damages the vertebrae.
  • Do not use high pillows.
  • Don’t forget to keep your spine straight.
  • Get some physical activity to manage stress and keep your muscles moving.
  • Don’t stay in the same position: If your job requires a lot of standing or sitting, move frequently and stretch your muscles.

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