10 Natural Ingredients That Purify A Smoker’s Lungs

In addition to including these ingredients in our daily lives, to improve the health of our lungs we also need to quit smoking.

Purifying the lungs is an easy solution for those who suffer from breathing difficulties, after all the lungs play a fundamental role in our lives, as they  are in charge of providing us with the oxygen we need to live  and, in turn, expelling carbon dioxide through expiration.

In addition, they have a non-respiratory function whose purpose is to  filter out aggressive agents from the environment to prevent the development of disease.

However, as it is such a delicate and complex organ, sometimes its health deteriorates and it fails to perform its tasks optimally.

The most frequent cases are in those who are addicted to tobacco, who  are exposed to toxins and substances that are very dangerous to health. This habit is certainly one of the most common causes of respiratory problems and the appearance of chronic diseases such as cancer.

Therefore, it is essential that smokers look for alternatives to quit the addiction, as well as improve their lifestyle. In this sense, it is good to know that there are natural ingredients that help to purify the lungs for correct elimination of toxins.

Discover them!

1. Grapefruit to purify the lungs

This delicious citrus is characterized by its high content of antioxidant substances that significantly improve cell function. In addition, its active compounds resist cell malignancy, a key factor in preventing tumors.

Therefore, the smoker who consumes it regularly can  reduce the risk of developing cancer and lung problems.

2. Garlic

Garlic is one of the spices that cannot be lacking in our food. That’s because its high content of sulfur substances gives it  anti-inflammatory and antioxidant action that protects the health of the lungs.

Its raw consumption reduces the risk of chronic pathologies, both in active and passive smokers, thus being a great alternative to purify the lungs.

3. Thyme


This wonderful plant has active substances that are very good for taking care of the health of the airways.

Its essential oils and the infusion of its leaves are used as  a natural remedy to relieve chest congestion.

In addition, it has antibiotic properties that reduce the presence of viruses and bacteria that cause lung difficulties.

4. Oregano

Both the plant and the oil of oregano have a high concentration of carvacrol and rosmarinic acid, whose effects have a positive impact on the respiratory system.

The consumption and use in aromatherapy are undoubtedly ideal to  reduce breathing difficulties and excess toxins accumulated  in the airways.

5. Ginger

Ginger root has  antibiotic, anti-inflammatory and aromatic properties that act effectively against bronchial and respiratory problems.

This is because it dilates blood vessels and stimulates the elimination of excess mucus for correct regeneration of the pulmonary channels.

6. Carrots

Considered a vegetable that cannot be missing from the diet,  carrots contain vitamins A, C, E and K,  necessary for the repair of tissue and epithelial cells. Therefore, to neutralize the negative effects of nicotine and other aggressive substances, its raw consumption is recommended.

7. Eucalyptus

Eucalyptus is certainly one of the most popular plants with regard to lung and respiratory health.

Originally from Australia, this plant is one of the oldest remedies to  relieve irritation and inflammation caused by lung problems. Therefore, it is recommended for clearing excess mucus from the nasal passages and controlling other common cold and flu symptoms.

8. Mint

Mint is an aromatic plant that has been used for various culinary and medicinal purposes. Contains active substances that  reduce inflammation and other symptoms arising from breathing difficulties. Thus, mints, vaporizations and baths are some of the ways to use it as a pulmonary detoxifier.

9. Aloe juice

The natural juice obtained from aloe gel  has powerful active agents and purifying substances to purify the lungs. Also, it is much more beneficial when combined with two tablespoons of honey and a few drops of lemon juice.

10. Licorice root

Licorice root is very popular all over the world and is not often confused as it has a unique aroma.

It has anti-inflammatory, calming and decongestant substances that also  facilitate lung detoxification and airway relief.

If you are a smoker, you must follow each of these remedies with the will to quit smoking.

Although it is not easy at first, with the initiative and  the desire to improve your health you will be able to achieve this goal.

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