10 Benefits Of Taking A Cold Shower

Bathing is a hygiene and health habit that everyone performs on a daily basis. Find out here what are the benefits of taking a cold shower.
10 benefits of taking a cold shower

Water is a source of life that plays a large role in our bodies both internally and externally. For that reason, today we’ll talk about the benefits of taking a cold shower.

When we consume water, we keep our bodies hydrated, we have more beautiful skin and many of our body functions are carried out more easily. However, the benefits of water go beyond internal consumption.

Bathing is a hygiene and health habit that everyone performs on a daily basis. Generally, we prefer to take a bath with warm or hot water, as it is more relaxing, however, it is not the most recommended, as it has been proven that taking a cold shower is more beneficial for our skin and some functions of our body. Do you want to know the benefits of taking a cold shower?

1. Taking a cold shower stimulates the immune system

When taking a cold shower, our body reacts immediately, stimulating the immune system and making it stronger. When receiving this benefit, our body will respond better against viruses and infections.

2. The skin looks healthier

Cold water is very beneficial to the skin both internally and externally. When we take a cold shower, the skin tends to retain its firmness and elasticity, on the other hand, hot water makes the skin flaccid, which can dry it out and favors the appearance of wrinkles earlier.

3. Improves circulation

For people with circulation problems, cold water is a very effective therapy, as it promotes good blood circulation and helps to better distribute oxygen and nutrients throughout the body.

4. Prevents varicose veins

By improving circulation and causing vascular contraction, cold water helps prevent the appearance of varicose veins and visibly reduces them.

5. Decongests the internal organs

By causing vascular contraction, taking a cold shower is very good for decongesting the internal organs, as it helps toxins and impurities to flow into the pores and release.

6. Relieves stress

Taking a cold shower can help reduce stress and anxiety, however be careful as it can have the opposite effect.

7. Awakens the organism

Cold water stimulates our bodies, activates our systems and puts our bodies on alert. It is recommended to take a cold shower to start the day and get rid of that tired feeling.  It is also recommended for after exercise.

8. Has a diuretic effect

Cold water further improves the body’s depurative qualities, as low temperatures have a diuretic effect on the body, thus preventing the formation of fat nodules.

9. Prevents depression

A study done by the University of Virginia revealed that taking a shower with cold water stimulates a part of the brain that is responsible for helping us feel happy and free from depression.

10. Keeps hair healthy

Cold water is very beneficial for the hair, as it prevents dryness. High temperatures remove moisture from the hair, making it ugly and unhealthy. Cold water is ideal for preventing dandruff and hair loss.

Recommendations for taking a cold shower

If you are not used to taking a cold shower, it may be a little difficult to get into this good habit. To start enjoying its benefits, you can adapt to cold water little by little.

  • The first recommendation is to start the bath with warm water and decrease the water temperature in such a way that the change is not sudden.
  • As the days go by, we can go from a warm temperature to a colder one and thus start to adopt this healthy habit.
  • In winter, it is also recommended to keep the good habit of cold water. At this time, it may be a little more costly to maintain the custom, but it is very prudent to move forward. However, the person should not shiver or feel extreme cold, in this case, it is best to opt for warm water in the winter period.

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